Friday, June 15, 2018

Stagnation Party!

Hello everyone!
I know my site isn't often updated and isn't on anyone's Top 10 list but I feel I should explain somethings.
In the last year I have been busy dealing with various issues I won't state publicly but aside from that my current location and living environment aren't conducive to producing on a regular scale, even when it was I made more than I talked about it. I'm currently working on a Deathstroke costume which will mix parts of many official versions and have a touch of eras prior to the 17th century I have also begun attending meetings of my local Society for Creative Anachronism although I have not gotten my membership in order yet as times are tough.

Being involved with the SCA has given me an increase in my Creativity and a bit more appreciation for the Theatrics and a feeling of how fighting would be done with various weapons although I strictly will be using them in Theatrical, Educational, and a Sporting manner.
I'm working on a universal costume inspired by the middle ages. Which hopefully will be worn both at cons and SCA functions.

I have been working on some projects for friends and repairing some for myself. I'll try to update more when my life settles down but making these things no matter how simple they are is what I enjoy.

Thanks for reading.
Stephen "Velox" Swift

Monday, August 28, 2017

Palutena's Staff

After the release of Super Smash Bros For 3ds I sort of took a liking to the characters of the Kid Icarus series despite having never played any game in the series. 

After a while of thinking which of the three character's weapons to make I tried making Dark Pit's Staff but I stalled on that and shelved it for a later day.

I decided on Palutena's staff, it offered some challenges but I considered it "Medium" on my level of challenges.

I wanted to try making a fully 3d printed prop this time since I had been messing a lot with SketchUp and I have up until now only had sections and parts I couldn't make myself printed.

Here's a video of what I did for the top end

For the bottom piece I did a lot of the same so I'll spare the details.

After making this piece I began struggling to make the two "wings" that stick out from it. I tried making them in SketchUp but I realized Basic Sketchup hates making curves easy. I ended up having to draw the wing by hand.

Not the prettiest image but it works, I took this and loaded it into SketchUp and lined up the images and traced the wing into the model.

When I was tinkering with the thickness of the wing I originally thought 1/2" would be good but it was too awkward so I settled on 3/8". I realized the size of this would be large and I thought most printers wouldn't be able to handle an approximately 10.5" wide print as a single piece so I added a puzzle like connector for the wings to fit onto the rest of the base.

You can see it coming together here. I did some finalizing on the looks of it and decided to send it out to a 3D Printer via, An amazing site for someone like me who doesn't have the money for his own printer but likes to do 3D models exclusively meant to be printed. After about a week or so I received my 4 pieces in the mail and tried putting them together and... Well they didn't fit! Why? I didn't factor in that in order to fit inside something else the item has to be slightly smaller. So I sanded the pieces to make them fit easier.

They fit together so well this is actually them without any epoxy. I took them back apart and painted them gold and blue. 

Why yes that IS a Digimon towel, I'm glad you asked.

After painting I needed to reassemble the pieces with Epoxy and then place them on the shaft I chose. It happened to be a broken curtain rod someone was throwing away and I snagged out of the trash and cleaned up and painted.

When all was said and done I came out with this I left the ball unpainted in this image but eventually I gave it a blast with the same blue as the rest. I intend to later make a transparent one and light it up.

If anyone is interested in one of these I am willing to discuss a deal of a second making of it for the right price. I did this mostly for myself.

Also while I was working on this I got side tracked with another project... be sure to watch out for the next inter-dimensional portal opening near you.

Believe me, it's coming soon.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

The Big Question (Commissions)

One question I am often asked at conventions if I do commissions and I give an answer that seems like an evasive "No".  What I really am saying is "It Depends" in the short time I communicate with some people at cons I can't get a good grasp on your idea, and there are a lot of animes and games I haven't had the privilege watching or playing, and as I'm not in your mind (Although I would love to be it'd make the process so much easier) I can't get your weapon or item for your OC into my mind how you want it without consulting you.
I am still learning and I am very wary of my own skills so I often will preface these requests as "needing further discussion"

Because of this, I will assure you I will not take any money for a project I feel can't be done by me.
Most of my projects are things I want or like, I may make more at the request of people asking

Chances are if you're reading this you asked me about a commission and I sent you here.
I'll be uploading a contact sheet exclusively for this but please do not be upset if I decline.

I felt this needed some addressing while I'm still fresh as I get more experience this may change some but it is still on a case by case basis. Do feel free to send me your requests.

As a side note, I'm currently waiting for the 3D prints of my Palutena Staff Models I have made over the last few months on and off. I will be adding a post about my 3D modelling of the pieces and the final assembly and painting in the real world as soon as they are finished and arrive.


Thursday, June 29, 2017

Team Flare Belt Buckle

Around the Time Pokémon X and Pokémon Y came out I wanted to make costumes for the Team Flare Scientists. I focused more on Aliana (orange haired girl on the right) but at the time of writing this I haven't gotten far in making that happen. I did however start and finish a belt buckle portions of the headgears.
While making this buckle I had a lot of time to learn what works and doesn't. 
I started with what I thought would work. Cutting some pieces of foam board and adding clay. This had worked somewhat decently before but I quickly shelved the idea realizing the spray paint would soak in and destroy it and I felt the form was much too wide.
I started out looking at various images namely the one at the top, focusing on the girl in the center. 
I cut and pasted the buckle image into I outlined it, and then I resized it to a comfortable size. I chose to get as close to four inches while keeping the shape. I chose 4" because I was referencing the size of a buckle a friend of mine had that I felt was extremely similar in thickness.

After printing the outline out I traced it onto 3/4" MDF I cut the shape out with my Black and Decker Compact Saw, A great tool for small things. Leaving me with a rough cut piece.

After cutting I sanded the edges, smoothing out bumps from the cutting. I then drew two more concentric rounded diamonds. I grabbed my power sander and started a sloping sanding motion. 
Please note: I consume those Peach Sparkling waters any chance I get.

After three days of sanding by a combination of Power Sanding, sanding sponges, and sanding by hand with various grit sand papers, from 60 ending at 2500 grit Automotive Sand paper I was left with a smooth object that my friends who witnessed my constant sanding could only describe as a "rock". 

I painted it with various paints and got it looking acceptable. However I as a newbie to MDF ran into the obvious two problems. Paint Soaks into it like a sponge unless you're using a latex house paint or something like that, and moisture got into it causing it to begin crumbling, I polished it up more and made a quick wax cast of it. I didn't have Smooth On at the time (I do not recommend using wax because most Polyurethanes heat up and melt waxes, I just got lucky)

After my fumbling and luck of the draw work I was able to get a perfect cast out of polyurethane. I sanded off some small bumps and prepped it for painting once more.

I began by painting it 5 to 6 times with white paint sanding any orange peeling away. 
I took my traced symbol and placed it on contact paper which I then placed onto the buckle cutting it out to spray a few coats of red.

After removing the paper I found it was missing something, I didn't like the immediate shift from red to white so I traced around the red portion using a Sharpie. This outline separated the colors and served to clean up some sloppy some of the jagged or sharp areas.

Final Product (Right) Second Copy (Left)
However Sharpie fade and smear purple so I chose to go over that with a 1/8" outline of black paint.
After all was said and done I polished it with a fine grit sand paper and removed any evidence of layering.
Finally I used my Dremel tool to put four small holes in the back and bent two pieces of a wire hanger and placed them in the holes vertically to hold it into a belt not the prettiest solution but it works. I took it out and gave to a few tests for possible failures at conventions. 
I determined between weather, vigorous motion, dropping or color fading there should be no reason it would fail unless someone were to intentionally damage it.

Thanks for Reading,

Greetings And Salutations

I'm Stephen, I am an aspiring cosplay designer, motorcycle and moped enthusiast. I also have a passion for Anime, Art, Animals, and Video games I attend comic conventions in the Florida, Georgia, and Alabama area.
I try to recycle when it's applicable, sometimes in my props which I will mention in posts.
When needed I do 3D design for props or to repair things with missing pieces that cannot be found.
If you have suggestions on things I should build or any requests feel free to comment or contact me via this Blog, By Email, Google, or Facebook.
All Items unless otherwise stated were built and designed by me, all symbols and series names in my replicas belong to their respective owners out of respect and admiration for the series.
I trust you will enjoy your time here.
Thank you,
Stephen "Neodymium" Swift
​(Piece Of Scrap Props)